Expert Heating Services in Gulfport, MS

McGuffee's Air Conditioning & Heating has delivered expert heating solutions since 1984. As the go-to experts in Gulfport, MS, we understand the unique heating needs of our community. When you choose us, you're not just getting a service; you're gaining a reliable partner dedicated to keeping your home warm and comfortable. Call us today at 228-868-3639 to schedule your heating service.

Don't Ignore These Signs Your Heating System Needs Servicing

  • Strange noises coming from your heating system 
  • Uneven heating throughout your home 
  • Higher than usual heating bills 
  • System turns on and off frequently 
  • Burning or unusual smells

If you notice any of these signs, call 228-868-3639 to schedule an inspection.

We Service All Types of Heating Systems

A Man Is Kneeling On The Floor Fixing A Radiator - Gulfport, MS - McGuffee's Air Conditioning & Heating

Gas Heating Systems

Efficient and cost-effective gas heating systems are a popular choice. Our experts are well-versed in servicing and optimizing the performance of gas heaters, ensuring your home stays warm and cozy.

A Person Is Adjusting A Thermostat - Gulfport, MS - McGuffee's Air Conditioning & Heating

Electric Heating Systems

For homes without access to gas, electric heating systems offer a reliable alternative. We specialize in maintaining and upgrading electric heaters, maximizing their efficiency and lifespan.

Comprehensive Heating Solutions

Heating Repair: Our skilled technicians are equipped to diagnose and repair a range of heating system issues promptly. From thermostat malfunctions to component replacements, we ensure your system runs smoothly.

Heating Replacement: When repairs are no longer cost-effective, or your system is outdated, we provide seamless heating replacement services. Our team assists you in choosing a new system that aligns with your heating needs and budget.

Heating Upgrade: Enhance the efficiency of your heating system with our upgrade services. From improved thermostats to energy-efficient components, we tailor upgrades to optimize your system's performance.

Heating Maintenance: Regular maintenance is the key to preventing unexpected breakdowns. Our maintenance services include thorough inspections, cleaning, and tune-ups to keep your heating system operating at its best.

Call us today at 228-868-3639 for expert heating repair, replacement, and maintenance services in Gulfport, MS.

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